Dr. Laurent Killias, LL.M.
Dr. Laurent Killias has acted as arbitrator and counsel in more than 140 international arbitration cases under many major institutional rules. He has handled arbitrations under civil and common law, seated in Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, USA and Korea, including all major arbitral institutions as well as ad hoc. Laurent also advised and represented clients in arbitration-related state court matters, such as setting-aside proceedings before the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland and in complex multi-jurisdictional disputes before Swiss courts.
Laurent is a member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration since 2021. In addition, he is a member of the ICC Commission of Arbitration and the ICC National Committee of Switzerland.
Laurent Killias is a co-founder and head lecturer of the Swiss Arbitration Academy. He is also a lecturer on international arbitration and litigation at the University of Zurich's LLM program.
Laurent has published numerous works in the field of international arbitration and litigation, as well as in private international law and contract law. In addition, he is a frequent conference speaker.
Laurent Killias graduated from the University of Zurich and was admitted to the bar in Switzerland in 1990. He became a juris doctor with summa cum laude in 1993 and obtained a LLM with honors from King's College London in 1995.
Laurent has been ranked for 15 consecutive years in Chambers (Global, Europe) as one of the leading arbitrators, arbitration counsel and litigator in Switzerland, noting that "he is a very bright counsel" (2023), that "he provides excellent risk analysis and superb strategies to mitigate those risks" (2023) and that he is "very much to the point, pragmatic and calm under pressure"
Legal500 has ranked him as Leading Individual in arbitration. He is considered as being "among the best in Switzerland in the field of international arbitration" (2021); "focused on high-end work, extremely smart and knowledgeable" (2022), "very responsive and pro-active" (2021).
He is also listed by Who'sWho Legal ("he provided invaluable guidance on Swiss law as well as on global strategy", 2023), PLC Which Lawyer or Guide to the World's Leading Experts.
He has been listed by Lexology (2024) as Thought Leader in Switzerland for Arbitration: "Laurent Killias is a standout practioner with vast experience handling disputes arising from contractual matters in the construction, banking and insurance sector".
In 2024, he has been awarded "Lawyer of the Year Arbitration" by LegalcommunityCH Awards2024.
He recently sat as arbitrator in the following representative disputes:
Presiding arbitrator in an ICC case in the construction sector among Saudi, Norwegian and US parties; amount at stake over USD 2.2. bn.
Co-arbitrator in ICC arbitration involving two European companies in a dispute over a distribution agreement for pharmaceuticals, amount at stake: over USD 60 mio.
Co-arbitrator in a construction case between Dutch and Saudi companies administered by the ICC, amount in dispute over USD 35 mio.
Presiding arbitrator in a Swiss Rules arbitration in the railway sector; amount in dispute USD 120 mio.
Presiding arbitrator in an ICC arbitration in the life science sector; joint venture agreement, amount at stake over USD 75 mio.
Presiding arbitrator in an ICC arbitration in the life science sector between an Austrian and a Serbian company; amount at stake over USD 30 mio.
Presiding arbitrator in a Swiss Rules arbitration between one of the leading Swiss banks and a global insurance company regarding an insurance coverage dispute.
Presiding arbitrator in an ad hoc matter between Dutch and Austrian companies concerning the construction of a chemical plant, UNCITRAL arbitration, dispute exceeding USD 60 mio.
Laurent recently represented parties as counsel in the following arbitration matters:
Representing a global steel producer in an ICC arbitration; dispute over a purchase agreement; amount at stake over USD 250 mio.
Representing an investor in a Swiss Rules arbitration against a state in the Middle East and a state owned company, including setting-aside proceedings before the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland; amount in dispute over USD 1.5 bn.
Representing a minority shareholder over the control of one the largest companies in the fashion/luxury sector in the world; Swiss Rules arbitration; amount at stake over CHF 500 mio.
Counsel in a shareholders dispute in an ad hoc arbitration; amount in dispute over USD 25 mio.
Counsel for one of the largest state owned Chinese enterprise in an ICC arbitration against an Australian company; dispute over purchase of large quantities of coal.

Dr. Laurent Killias, LL.M.
admitted to the Swiss Bar
T +41 58 710 05 70